About PTO
Every Riverview parent or guardian is automatically a member of the Riverview PTO.
Our PTO is made up of volunteer parents and guardians just like you working together with our school staff and teachers to provide the best educational experience we can for our children. The managing board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Teacher Representative, and Event/Fundraising Coordinators.
What is PTO?
The Riverview Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) starts where basic educational funding stops. Our mission is to provide fun-filled activities for our children and families, while raising funds to improve our children’s educational experience.
We raise funds.
Books, playground equipment, teaching tools, and art supplies are all supplemented by the PTO. We raise funds for every department and teacher in the school to help provide extended learning opportunities for our children.
We host events.
Dances, family fun nights, reading and movie nights are just a small sample of events funded by your PTO.
PTO vs. PTA?
A Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an independent organization made up of elected and volunteering parents and teachers from only one school. It is geared toward the needs of an individual school, district, and town.
A Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a National Organization in which groups join and contribute dues in exchange for a formal membership with benefits. PTA has lobbied the government for greater needs of public education and has made positive progress for schools.